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  1. Citeck Community
  2. ECOSCOM-855

Caching files for dojo resources

    XMLWordДля печати

Детали задачи

    • Icon: Задача Задача
    • Решение: Нет решения
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Community 3.1.f
    • Не заполнено
    • Не заполнено
    • Не заполнено


      Now Dojo generates the Numerical cash identifier at each opening of the page. it means that files do not cache, if anything it uses a new number at all times to avoid the file caching by the browser.
      It is necessary to create the numerical cach on the module versions base in such a manner that the cach updates at each server launching but it stays constant when navigating browser pages.

      For its performance it is necessary that:

      • Java-developper does write the bean or configure the realese in the way that the information about the modules and its versions mades the global share configuration;
      • Web-developper does make the cach identity for Dojo on the base of module information from the global configuration.

      Вложенные файлы



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            rk:4e52d70a-426b-4caa-ae16-4a4a04e199d8 Former user (Неактивный)
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