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  1. Citeck Community
  2. ECOSCOM-765

The list of values in the dialog window for attribute selection "Label" is loading endlessly

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Детали задачи

    • Icon: Ошибка Ошибка
    • Решение: Готово
    • Icon: Low Low
    • Community 3.1.d
    • Не заполнено
    • Не заполнено
    • Не заполнено
    • Minor


      The list of values in the dialog window for attribute selection "Label" is loading endlessly

      A) Precondition: You log in as the Administrator and the data list page "Objects of contracts" is opened.
      1) Click on "Create" -> "Create a Contract Object";
      2) Click "Select" the attribute "Label".

      Expected result: the window for value selection opens where the list of values for selection is dispayed.
      Actual result: the window for value selection opens where the selection list is loading endlessly (see screenshot no.1).

      B) Precondition: You log in as the Administrator and the data list page "Objects of contracts" is opened.

      1) Click on "Create" -> "Create a Contract Object";
      2) Click "Select" the attribute "Label";
      3) Click on "Create" in the opened form.

      Expected results: the creation form "Label" is opened
      Actual result: the creation form "Subject of the contract" is opened (see screenshot no.2).

      Вложенные файлы



            admin Anton Ivanov [X] (Неактивный)
            ksenia.voblikova Ksenia Voblikova [X] (Неактивный)
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            1 Начать наблюдение за этой задачей


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