Загрузить изображение для проекта: 'Citeck Community'
  1. Citeck Community
  2. ECOSCOM-1247

Task actions buttons works improperly

    XMLWordДля печати

Детали задачи

    • Icon: Ошибка Ошибка
    • Решение: Готово
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Community 3.2.a
    • Не заполнено
    • Не заполнено
    • Не заполнено
    • Minor


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create contract
      2. Assign assistants to user "admin" via "Orgstructure" tool
      3. Send to approval: 1st and the only stage - admin
      4. Go to contract card (being logined as "admin" user)
      5. Press "I'll perform this" button at confirm task cardlet
      6. Renew current page

      Expected result: 2 buttons "Back to shared pool" and "Reassign" (and no other buttons) will be shown at task cardlet
      Actual result: 2 buttons "I'll perform this" and "Back to shared pool" (and no other buttons) will be shown at task cardlet

      7. Press "Back to shared pool" button at confirm task cardlet
      8. Renew current page

      Expected result: 1 button "I'll perform this" (and no other buttons) will be shown at task cardlet
      Actual result: no task cardlet shown at doc page, tasks cardlet (right top part of page): confirm task is shown, but has no pool

      Similar behaviour noticed at all tasks assigned to 1 user which has 1 or more assistants.

      Вложенные файлы



            andrey.platunov Andrey Platunov [X] (Неактивный)
            andrey.platunov Andrey Platunov [X] (Неактивный)
            0 Голосовать за эту задачу
            1 Начать наблюдение за этой задачей


              Дата решения: